A whole lot ending with -on

I love YouTube, and I think a lot of what I discover stems from that huge website and creatures like minute physics or vsauce or even sometimes vlogbrothers.  One day I stumbled upon a song by Hank Green called “Strange Charm: A Song About Quarks” and well, it was catchy.  “Up down strange charm, top bottom”. So I googled Quarks. What are the infamous particles that Hank Green states everybody has in his song?  And then I found the standard model.  A whole new world opened up for me.  Bosons, fermion, gluons, means, a lot of things ending with -on and don’t forget, this was before the confirmation of the Higgs Boson, another beauty.  The standard model, minus the mathematical representation which is too complex for me to understand, is beautiful.  Everything the world is made of is on this one simple chart image

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