The Beauty of Being a Nerd

You ever have something happen to you, and you realize you need an analogy for yourself to understand?  For example, Newton’s 3rd law is frequently used as an analogy in real life, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  While the application of this law as an analogy doesn’t make much sense, I guess we have to understand some of the deeper beauty behind this.

Life, isn’t very understandable.  Things just, happen and sometimes its too much for people to understand but science, science has laws, science is action-reaction pairs, there’s never a time where NaOH+HCl will not give you NaCl+H2O.  Fixed outcomes, similar to math.  1+1=2, the derivative of x^2 is always 2x. (assuming you stick to a base ten system where everything is amongst the reaches of what I can understand.)

And then you have to stop and think about what’s even in an analogy, something that describes one thing as another in a more relatable and understandable manner. The idea that things such as science can be used to explain the complications of life, and vice versa, is remarkable.  And I for one think that it’s beautiful to be able to interconnect vastly different things together, almost poetic really.

How do you relate your scientific knowledge to life? (If at all you do, and I’m not some crazy person who describes almost everything as being “asymptotic to 0”)

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